Fakultet organizacije i informatike svjestan je da je sigurnost Vaših osobnih podataka itekako važna i zbog toga zaštitu Vaših osobnih podataka shvaćamo vrlo ozbiljno. Politikom privatnosti želimo Vas upoznati s našim sigurnosnim mjerama kako biste u svakom trenutku znali koje podatke pohranjujemo i kako ih koristimo.
Više o zaštiti osobnih podataka i vašim pravima pročitajte na
All collected information is considered by the Faculty of Organization and Informatics (seller) to be a bank secret and treated accordingly. The information is used exclusively for the purposes for which it is intended. Sensitive buyer data is completely secure and their privacy is guaranteed. All buyer data is strictly kept and is only available to employees included in the purchase processes.
If buyer wants to learn more about the rights under the Data Protection Act or if there are any irregularities related to the entered personal data, the buyer can contact this e-mail address:
Cookie policy
In order to provide the best possible experience when visiting the website, and for the site to work properly, this site stores a small amount of information (cookies) on the buyer's device. By using the website, the buyer agrees to the collection of cookies. By blocking cookies, the page can still be viewed, but some of its functions are unavailable.
What is a cookie?
A cookie is information stored on a buyer's device by a visited website. Cookies allow sites to display information tailored to buyer needs. They usually save the buyer settings (session token) and certain settings chosen on the website, such as information about the windows that are open on the home page. When buyer revisits a page, the browser receives cookies that belong to that page via the network.
Cookies allows to measure traffic and sources of traffic to websites in order to improve the functionality and efficiency of the site.
All information collected by cookies is accumulated and anonymous and allow to monitor the effectiveness of the site. Information collected through cookies is not shared with any third party.
All information can only be saved if the buyer allows saving. Websites cannot access information that was not provided by the buyer and cannot access other files on the buyer's device.
Disabling cookies
By disabling cookies, the buyer decides whether to allow cookies to be stored on the used device. Cookie settings can be controlled and configured in the browser. If buyer disables cookies, some features of this website will not be available.